Thursday, September 30, 2010

Albert Einstein's Aether

Concerning the Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields: by Albert Einstein
"When the electric current comes into being, it immediately sets the surrounding aether in some kind of instantaneous motion, the nature of which has still not been exactly determined. In spite of the continuation of the cause of this motion, namely the electric current, the motion ceases, but the aether remains in a potential state and produces a magnetic field. That the magnetic field is a potential state [of the aether] is shown by the [existence of a] permanent magnet, since the principle of conservation of energy excludes the possibility of a state of motion in this case. The motion of the aether, which is caused by an electric current, will continue until the acting [electro-] motive forces are compensated by the equivalent passive forces which arise from the deformation caused by the motion of the aether itself."

Einstein observes that the potential state of the Aether is shown by the existence of a permanent magnet, just as in the cathode ray tube and ferrofluid experiments above.

"The most interesting, but also the most difficult, task would be the direct experimental study of the magnetic field which arises around an electric current, because the investigation of the elastic state of the aether in this case would allow us to obtain a glimpse of the mysterious nature of the electric current. This analogy also permits us to draw definite conclusions concerning the state of the aether in the magnetic field which surrounds the electric current, provided of course the experiments mentioned above yield any result."

The "elastic state" of the Aether refers to the Aether's fluid behavior and its ability to return to a previous state without deformation. The insights into the "mysterious" nature of the electric current refers to the two different types of charges identified in the Aether Physics Model. Not only does electricity have a bipolar electrostatic charge, but it also has a bipolar electromagnetic charge. These two types of charges interact with each other in seemingly peculiar ways. Einstein could not have known it during his time, however, the two types of charges are the actual carriers of the forces quantified in his later developed, General Relativity theory.

"I believe that the quantitative researches on the absolute magnitudes of the density and the elastic force of the aether can only begin if qualitative results exist that are connected with established ideas. Let me add one more thing. If the wavelength does not turn out to be proportional to [sic], then the reason (for that) has to be looked for in the change of density of the moving aether caused by the elastic deformations; here A is the elastic aether force, a priori a constant which we have to determine empirically, and k the (variable) strength of the magnetic field which, of course, is proportional to the elastic forces in question that are produced."

The elastic Aether force Einstein presumes has been quantified in the Aether Physics Model as the Gforce. And, in fact, we have developed simple force laws for the electromagnetic charge, which are similar in structure to the Coulomb electrostatic force law and the Newton gravitational law. We also show that each of these force laws, including our strong force laws, directly involve the Gforce (elastic Aether force as Einstein called it). The total of all these simple and related force laws comprise the Unified Force Theory of the Aether Physics Model.

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