Thursday, January 26, 2023

Language of the Birds

 Language of the Birds

(note: see the umbilical cord connecting the Sun and Odin?),penetrate%20the%20planet's%20magnetic%20defenses.

Remember all the posts that have 'a little bird told me'?

I think this is a hint that the people who have said that are talking about the Language of the Birds. This makes perfect sense in context to many particular posts that seemed to be hinting to someone or messaging someone in a veiled way.

In mythology, medieval literature and occultism, the language of the birds is postulated as a mystical, perfect divine language, green language, adamic language, enochian language, angelic language or a mythical or magical language used by birds to communicate with the initiated.

 Quoting: LanguageoftheBirds

The article below speaks of how the Language of the Birds is also called The Green Language (which reminds me of the stories of the Green Man). It says that the language will be understood (brought to light) at the end of the cycles of time. This reminds me of a time when all secrets will be revealed. Many spiritual practices, religions, and occults speak of this, and there are a lot of occult members saying that we are in the time of revealing presently.

The Language of the Birds is also known as the Green Language or the Language of the Gods. It embraces Kabbalah, Astrology, Alchemy and Tarot. Its grammar is symbolism, more to the point, holographic symbolism, when properly understood.

Birds further reference ascension of human consciousness in the alchemy of time, winged gods from the sky, bird-headed beings, Thoth in particular - linked to creation of this reality. Thoth the Scribe is the ancient Egyptian god who scripted the languages of our reality, to be viewed as symbolic messages through the ages, and finally brought to light at the end of the cycles of time.

 Quoting: TheGreenLanguage

Another says that the Language of the Birds is the 'angelic language', and once understood communication with higher beings becomes possible, and higher states of be-ing.

This brings us back directly to what was said at the outset about "the language of the birds", which can also be called "angelic language", and which is symbolized in the human world by rhythmic language, for the science of rhythm, which has many applications, is in fact ultimately the basis of all the means which can be brought into action in order to enter into communication with the higher states of being.

 Quoting: AngelicLanguage

[link to]

Perhaps we are in fact close to the revealing of all.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Breaking Oroborus

 Breaking Oroborus

"Join me my child in listening to my digging, scraping, and picking at my shadow.

It's shedding a swath over my muscles and scratching my bones deep enough to taste of marrow. 

There is something there, a shadow that itches. Writhing face down and snake-like body circling back round insecure, yet clearing out what i once used to be.  So confusing. 

Need a cross to cross me over, not this needless circle. Or maybe just a word to guide me to the outside or inside of this circle. 

Let me feel something, anything other than the taste of this tail I've been picking at, and swallowing as if it's my own shadow. 

What's it going to take to move through my own shadow? What's it going to take to step through? 

Tangential motion; allow me to die and step through enough of an inversion to come out the other side, to spiral instead, and break the cycle of all circles."

- Chad Adams