Monday, August 30, 2010

Plasma Cosmology and a Belt of Light

Sir Edmund Halley and the Pleiades anomaly

...The photon belt is an immense region of space which is radiating intense electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond, into high-frequency invisible light; even including some x-ray spectra. It is part of a magnetic flow of light throughout the galaxy. Reference has already been made through the media to huge increases in intensity of 'dangerous' radiation entering through the holes in the ozone layer in certain regions of our planet.

Read more:

The Wave is a term used to describe a Macro-cosmic Quantum Wave Collapse producing both a physical and a "metaphysical" change to the Earth's cosmic environment theorized to be statistically probable sometime in the early 21st century. This event is variously described by other sources as the planetary shift to 4th density, shift of the ages, harvest etc., and is most often placed around the end of 2012. The subject of The Wave begins with a UFO abduction account, a transcript of an actual hypnotic regression session, that refers to a global cataclysmic change...

Chapter I Riding the Wave

The subject of The Wave has come up many times in the Cassiopaean sessions and many people have written to me asking for more details about this mysterious event that is suggested to be a part of our future experiences. It is such a vast subject with so many references, that I have put off dealing with it until now. But, the time is right, I think, to talk about some of these things.

In one of the earliest contacts with the Cassiopaeans, being in the "test mode," I tossed a rather general question out one night:


Q: (L) What is causing the earth changes?
A: Electromagnetic wave changes.
Q: (L) Can you be more specific?
A: Gap in surge heliographic field.
Q: How can one tell if one is programmed?
A: Things will be triggered. You are set up to do certain things... movies, books, different things trigger things that are in your subconscious... I see a key, or a wheel... how a wheel fits together... two wheels fit together and it clicks in...

Q: Okay. This wave you speak of, do you sense that it is a wave coming from deep space or is it a wave coming from within our solar system?
A: It's on its way! We don't know about it but somebody knows!

Q: Who knows, does the government know?
A: Yes.

Q: Do they plan on telling anybody?
A: They are setting things in motion. This is why more and more information is being released...

--"instead of a slow, continuous movement, evolution tends to be characterized by long periods of virtual standstill ("equilibrium"), "punctuated" by episodes of very fast development of new forms.

The "punctuated equilibrium" theory of Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould was proposed as a criticism of the traditional Darwinian theory of evolution. Eldredge and Gould observed that evolution tends to happen in fits and starts, sometimes moving very fast, sometimes moving very slowly or not at all. On the other hand, typical variations tend to be small. Therefore, Darwin saw evolution as a slow, continuous process, without sudden jumps. However, if you study the fossils of organisms found in subsequent geological layers, you will see long intervals in which nothing changed ("equilibrium"), "punctuated" by short, revolutionary transitions, in which species became extinct and replaced by wholly new forms. Instead of a slow, continous progression, the evolution of life on Earth seems more like the life of a soldier: long periods of boredom interrupted by rare moments of terror.

All of this places humanity, and each one of us, squarely in front of a very difficult and topical problem; the creation of a revolutionary advancement in knowledge which will require a transformation of our thinking and being equal to this never-before-seen phenomena now presencing itself in our world. There is no other path to the future than a profound internal experiential perception and knowledge of the events now underway in the natural environment that surrounds us. It is only through this understanding that humanity will achieve balance with the renewing flow of the PlanetoPhysical States and Processes.

End Paper



The Photon Belt

In 1961 science discovered, by means of satellites, a photon belt encircling the Pleiades. This photon belt * circles the Pleiadian system at an absolute right angle to its orbital planes. As our sun (and we with it) orbits the Pleiades once every 25,860 years, it reaches the midpoint of the photon belt approximately every 12,500 years. It requires some 2,000 years to traverse it, meaning that after departing this realm, another 10,500 years pass before our Solar System enters it again.

Before going any further, we should be mindful of the fact that this particular cycle is nestled within a number of greater cycles. What distinguishes this particular cycle from all its previous occurrences is that it culminates, together with all the other cycles of which it is but a part--including the overall cycle of 206 million years, in one single point of convergence. This is also called the Harmonic Convergence.

* Photon Belt: Huge torroid or "belt" of inter-dimensional Light that passes through this part of Milky Way galaxy in 26,000-year cycle. Last encountered at beginning of 1997. Fortunately, Earth was put into special hole in it that was drilled by a coherent bow wave of gamma particles from a nova that was first observed by astronomers in 1987.
In 1962 we entered the sphere of influence of this photon belt. Calculations approximate the year of the actual entry into its mainstream to be 2011. This correlates with the time when the universe reaches its point of maximum expansion. The East familiarizes us with the contraction and expansion rhythm of the universe as the Inbreath and Outbreath of God--each breath covering a time span (in this density) in the vicinity of 11,000 years. It is no coincidence that this time frame corresponds with the Grand Cycles, the orbit of our sun around the central sun Alcione.

The transition into super-consciousness, [also called] the second Coming of Christ, is to occur at the precise moment of suspension of movement between expansion and contraction, going parallel with the entry into the radiation of the photon belt. This energy is also referred to as the Manasic Vibration or Radiation. Astrophysical calculations, based on the sun's speed traveling through space (29 km/s) -- and Earth's own movement -- indicate that we will enter the photon belt at a speed of 208,800 km/h. The actual entry of Earth into the Manasic Vibration will occur in the twinkling of an eye.

The energy of the photon belt is of etheric and spiritual nature, not physical, but it interacts with and affects the physical.

You Are Becoming A Galatic Human: The Photon Belt

Paul Otto Hesse discovered that at an absolute right angle (90 degrees) to the movement of the stars in the Pleiades, there was a photon belt shaped like a torroid or huge doughnut with a thickness of approximately 2,000 solar years or 759,864 billion miles. Your earth is now completing a 24,000-26,000-year cycle with this photon belt.

When the photon belt is fully manifested, it will not allow any electrical device to function. Such a development will mean that neither batteries nor electrical circuits will operate when Earth is in the photon belt [17 years]. You will require a new form of energy--photon energy--to operate your former and soon- to-be altered electrical devices.

Man, The Universe, and the Cosmic Mystery


PHILOSOPHICALLY, MAN CAN SUPPOSE AN ABSOLUTE. SUCH AN Absolute would include all possible dimensions both of time and space. That is to say:

It would include not only the whole universe which man can perceive or imagine, but all other such universes which may lie beyond the power of his perception.

It would include not only the present moment of all such universes, but also their past and their future, whatever past and future may mean on their scale.

It would include not only everything actualised in all the past, present and future of all universes, but also everything that potentially could be actualised in them.

It would include not only all possibilities for all existing universes, but also all potential universes, even though they do not exist, nor ever have.

Such a conception is philosophical for us. Logically, it must be like that, but our mind is unable to come to grips with the formula or make any sense of it

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