Friday, September 19, 2014

We are Dynamic Expressions of Pi

Consciousness is everything.  It resides within everything.  Everything non-material is consciousness.  Everything material is consciousness that is structured for specific functions.  Along with that, is the bridge, the eye, that is the center of mass, the two pyramids, the ascending and descending, perfectly joined.

Consciousness is spirit.  It is both within and without everything.

We are talking of quantum sizes, and because of the fractal nature of it, these torus models are nested within each other as well, all the way to the quantum state and the 'bridge'.  So, the entirety of what is the material body contains consciousness.  Then, there are complex areas of relations that can 'draw' in, or understand consciousness better.  Your brain, for example.  Your heart.  Your organs.  They are structured to allow consciousness to be sentient within the material.  But, your skin doesn't hold that property.  It is not complex and structured correctly for the function of sentient thinking.  BUT, it still contains consciousness, as is obvious when you cut your finger and white blood cells automatically go and try to repair it.  You are a vessel that holds consciousness, and interprets consciousness in different ways depending on the structure of the biology.  Systems within systems, material groupings.

All of it is as much individual as it is collective.  It is all consciousness though.  All 'god', or spirit, or whatever you want to define consciousness as.  Even our DNA has the consciousness in it.  It structures the individual human body, or any other biological structure.  But, consciousness is within everything, it is just a matter of how the 'building blocks' of mass are organized that depends on how the consciousness 'works' or is filtered.

When you imagine the single torus (not all three), well, it is the first manifestation of mass out of quantum potential.  A sphere (torus) is the most efficient form in the universe.  So, the torus is spherical in shape, but in order to access spirit, or consciousness, once it becomes a stable self perpetuating wave, it needs a type of bridge.  There needs to be a way to have the non-material inside the material.  So, the torus form allows the inversion process to occur and allows non-material to exist within the material...within mass itself!

Remember, this from that I have put together is before the first solid becomes solid.  It is quantum soup that is manifesting into mass.  Since it is the foundational construct, we will see the 'form' within all of the material universe.

And, we do.

A decade or two ago, I was reading up on Ken Wilbur's work.  I found that the concept of Holon's provides the viewpoint of 'being the point that is not a point’.  This concept is similar to this model, where the entire construct is actually more of a cloud of energy that is defining itself through motion.

I am not only the three model torus, but its potential as well.  Not only that, but just as the spin states directional definition is based on placement of observation, so too with perceptional viewing.  That is why perception and how we perceive the inner and outer universe is so 'relative'.

Tentative Hypothetical One; a state of where focus resides.  It is the overlaying of varying degrees of opaqueness and which 'density' of opaqueness you choose to view.  It is when we are free.  When we have True Free Will within.  Then we can we truly manifest our own passions, loves, etc.  The one, leads to the other, flowing through the chains of the common human life at this time (chained within materiality by the systems we have grown up in).  Going fractally, one leads to separation of the other end (material side).  And one leads to the inclusion of both (spiritual side).  The inclusion of both is done once we are able to break from the system.  Exist outside of the systems influence.

We spin around and around these concepts internally and externally, and then there are the influences from without self that affect the internal and external dances we live by.

We are centrally one torus, doing the dance of the two other torus while embodied here, existing as all of them.  We are spinning gradients blending throughout all the spins, and where areas of various interacting outer flowing wave aspects of the spins express synergy within the interstices, the waves harmonically sync and become the tensegrity of solidity by means of standing waves; the effect of the harmonic sync [i]cause[/i].  Where perception gazes and biases lie (no pun intended) determines where and how you are spread out through the construct.  How resonant you are, and how dissonant you are.  We are still the entire structure, we are just spread out through it in varying areas and degrees of focal length and density.

Golden Spiral or Fibonacci , the design is the design.

Looking it from the Golden Mean ration, and not the Fibonacci, we can imagine the structure getting tighter and tighter the more 'in' we go.  But, we are already talking about extremely small states, just past manifestation of the quanta, if my thinking is right.

Anyway, at that size, perhaps it's best not to think of it as an 'area'.  There must be a convergence area that results in the inversion.  Intuitively, I would say it has something to do with Planck scale and Coulomb.  It would be an 'area' where it becomes quantum, just as the quantum becomes it.  The quantum criticality interstice.

Oh, I just got a deep vision of it.  The three torus become 'entangled' at the time it inverts.  They are all spinning together, almost like 'gears'.  Then, there is a place where all three of them are tangled within each other.  That’s the place the inversion happens.  But, it is always happening.  

It is the motion of the spirals that 'force' the aether in and out of the structure in the center convergence areas of the interacting spiral spins of standing wave energy forms.  The structure is the specific motions that are created from the charge through the field.  It is not a 'something'.  It is charges that are moving that create magnetism like effects that work on the aether.  It itself is not inverting/reverting.  It is 'forcing' the aether to invert/revert.  wow.
lol, that was a good tangent.

Ok, I have always thought that it would have to be within the nature of pi.  In my mind, I cannot see any other option.  It would make 'perfect' sense as only it could create the areas of inversion.

Within that deviation from static perfection, as irrational as it may sound, we are of a dynamic pi nature.

- Chad Adams

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