Tuesday, August 31, 2010

LINKS: SOLAR FLARES and the Inner Life of Radioactive Elements on EARTH

It's a mystery that presented itself unexpectedly: The radioactive decay of some elements sitting quietly in laboratories on Earth seemed to be influenced by activities inside the Sun, 93 million miles away.

Is this possible?

Researchers from Stanford and Purdue University believe it is. But their explanation of how it happens opens the door to yet another mystery.

There is even an outside chance that this unexpected effect is brought about by a previously unknown particle emitted by the sun. "That would be truly remarkable," said Peter Sturrock, Stanford professor emeritus of applied physics and an expert on the inner workings of the Sun.

The story begins, in a sense, in classrooms around the world, where students are taught that the rate of decay of a specific radioactive material is a constant. This concept is relied upon, for example, when anthropologists use carbon-14 to date ancient artifacts and when doctors determine the proper dose of radioactivity to treat a cancer patient.

But that assumption was challenged in an unexpected way by a group of researchers from Purdue University who at the time were more interested in random numbers than nuclear decay. (Scientists use long strings of random numbers for a variety of calculations, but they are difficult to produce, since the process used to produce the numbers has an influence on the outcome.)

The sun is a major source of radiation for life on Earth. Click image for larger view. Credit: NASA/ESA/SOHO

Ephraim Fischbach, a physics professor at Purdue, was looking into the rate of radioactive decay of several isotopes as a possible source of random numbers generated without any human input. (A lump of radioactive cesium-137, for example, may decay at a steady rate overall, but individual atoms within the lump will decay in an unpredictable, random pattern. Thus the timing of the random ticks of a Geiger counter placed near the cesium might be used to generate random numbers.)

As the researchers pored through published data on specific isotopes, they found disagreement in the measured decay rates – odd for supposed physical constants.

Checking data collected at Brookhaven National Laboratory on Long Island and the Federal Physical and Technical Institute in Germany, they came across something even more surprising: long-term observation of the decay rate of silicon-32 and radium-226 seemed to show a small seasonal variation. The decay rate was ever so slightly faster in winter than in summer.

Was this fluctuation real, or was it merely a glitch in the equipment used to measure the decay, induced by the change of seasons, with the accompanying changes in temperature and humidity?

"Everyone thought it must be due to experimental mistakes, because we're all brought up to believe that decay rates are constant," Sturrock said.

The Sun speaks

Solar flares send streams of radiation toward the Earth.

On Dec 13, 2006, the Sun itself provided a crucial clue, when a solar flare sent a stream of particles and radiation toward Earth. Purdue nuclear engineer Jere Jenkins, while measuring the decay rate of manganese-54, a short-lived isotope used in medical diagnostics, noticed that the rate dropped slightly during the flare, a decrease that started about a day and a half before the flare.

If this apparent relationship between flares and decay rates proves true, it could lead to a method of predicting solar flares prior to their occurrence, which could help prevent damage to satellites and electric grids, as well as save the lives of astronauts in space.

The decay-rate aberrations that Jenkins noticed occurred during the middle of the night in Indiana – meaning that something produced by the sun had traveled all the way through the Earth to reach Jenkins' detectors. What could the flare send forth that could have such an effect?

Jenkins and Fischbach guessed that the culprits in this bit of decay-rate mischief were probably solar neutrinos, the almost weightless particles famous for flying at almost the speed of light through the physical world – humans, rocks, oceans or planets – with virtually no interaction with anything.

Then, in a series of papers published in Astroparticle Physics, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research and Space Science Reviews, Jenkins, Fischbach and their colleagues showed that the observed variations in decay rates were highly unlikely to have come from environmental influences on the detection systems.

Reason for suspicion

Studying radiation from the Sun will help scientists develop ways of protecting astronauts from its harmful effects. Image Credit: NASA

Their findings strengthened the argument that the strange swings in decay rates were caused by neutrinos from the Sun. The swings seemed to be in synch with the Earth's elliptical orbit, with the decay rates oscillating as the Earth came closer to the Sun (where it would be exposed to more neutrinos) and then moving away.

So there was good reason to suspect the Sun, but could it be proved?

Enter Peter Sturrock, Stanford professor emeritus of applied physics and an expert on the inner workings of the Sun. While on a visit to the National Solar Observatory in Arizona, Sturrock was handed copies of the scientific journal articles written by the Purdue researchers.

Sturrock knew from long experience that the intensity of the barrage of neutrinos the sun continuously sends racing toward Earth varies on a regular basis as the Sun itself revolves and shows a different face, like a slower version of the revolving light on a police car. His advice to Purdue: Look for evidence that the changes in radioactive decay on Earth vary with the rotation of the Sun. "That's what I suggested. And that's what we have done."

A surprise

The Sun influences Earth in many ways. On one hand it provides the light and heat that sustains life on our planet. On the other hand it bathes the Earth in ultraviolet light, showers it with x-rays, gamma-rays, electrons, and atomic nuclei, and wraps the Earth in the folds of its own magnetic field. Credit: NASA

Going back to take another look at the decay data from the Brookhaven lab, the researchers found a recurring pattern of 33 days. It was a bit of a surprise, given that most solar observations show a pattern of about 28 days – the rotation rate of the surface of the Sun.

The explanation? The core of the Sun – where nuclear reactions produce neutrinos – apparently spins more slowly than the surface we see. "It may seem counter-intuitive, but it looks as if the core rotates more slowly than the rest of the Sun," Sturrock said.

All of the evidence points toward a conclusion that the Sun is "communicating" with radioactive isotopes on Earth, said Fischbach.

But there's one rather large question left unanswered. No one knows how neutrinos could interact with radioactive materials to change their rate of decay.

"It doesn't make sense according to conventional ideas," Fischbach said. Jenkins whimsically added, "What we're suggesting is that something that doesn't really interact with anything is changing something that can't be changed."

"It's an effect that no one yet understands," agreed Sturrock. "Theorists are starting to say, 'What's going on?' But that's what the evidence points to. It's a challenge for the physicists and a challenge for the solar people too."

If the mystery particle is not a neutrino, "It would have to be something we don't know about, an unknown particle that is also emitted by the Sun and has this effect, and that would be even more remarkable," Sturrock said.
Chantal Jolagh, a science-writing intern at the Stanford News Service, contributed to this story.

Monday, August 30, 2010


On August 24th, 2010, this amazing stream of lights appeared on NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory's LASCO C2...explanation of what this is are more than welcome... 

The Golden Mean

Plasma Cosmology and a Belt of Light

Sir Edmund Halley and the Pleiades anomaly

...The photon belt is an immense region of space which is radiating intense electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond, into high-frequency invisible light; even including some x-ray spectra. It is part of a magnetic flow of light throughout the galaxy. Reference has already been made through the media to huge increases in intensity of 'dangerous' radiation entering through the holes in the ozone layer in certain regions of our planet.

Read more: http://wtfdiam.stevenredhead.com/photonbelt.html

The Wave is a term used to describe a Macro-cosmic Quantum Wave Collapse producing both a physical and a "metaphysical" change to the Earth's cosmic environment theorized to be statistically probable sometime in the early 21st century. This event is variously described by other sources as the planetary shift to 4th density, shift of the ages, harvest etc., and is most often placed around the end of 2012. The subject of The Wave begins with a UFO abduction account, a transcript of an actual hypnotic regression session, that refers to a global cataclysmic change...

Chapter I Riding the Wave

The subject of The Wave has come up many times in the Cassiopaean sessions and many people have written to me asking for more details about this mysterious event that is suggested to be a part of our future experiences. It is such a vast subject with so many references, that I have put off dealing with it until now. But, the time is right, I think, to talk about some of these things.

In one of the earliest contacts with the Cassiopaeans, being in the "test mode," I tossed a rather general question out one night:


Q: (L) What is causing the earth changes?
A: Electromagnetic wave changes.
Q: (L) Can you be more specific?
A: Gap in surge heliographic field.
Q: How can one tell if one is programmed?
A: Things will be triggered. You are set up to do certain things... movies, books, different things trigger things that are in your subconscious... I see a key, or a wheel... how a wheel fits together... two wheels fit together and it clicks in...

Q: Okay. This wave you speak of, do you sense that it is a wave coming from deep space or is it a wave coming from within our solar system?
A: It's on its way! We don't know about it but somebody knows!

Q: Who knows, does the government know?
A: Yes.

Q: Do they plan on telling anybody?
A: They are setting things in motion. This is why more and more information is being released...


--"instead of a slow, continuous movement, evolution tends to be characterized by long periods of virtual standstill ("equilibrium"), "punctuated" by episodes of very fast development of new forms.

The "punctuated equilibrium" theory of Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould was proposed as a criticism of the traditional Darwinian theory of evolution. Eldredge and Gould observed that evolution tends to happen in fits and starts, sometimes moving very fast, sometimes moving very slowly or not at all. On the other hand, typical variations tend to be small. Therefore, Darwin saw evolution as a slow, continuous process, without sudden jumps. However, if you study the fossils of organisms found in subsequent geological layers, you will see long intervals in which nothing changed ("equilibrium"), "punctuated" by short, revolutionary transitions, in which species became extinct and replaced by wholly new forms. Instead of a slow, continous progression, the evolution of life on Earth seems more like the life of a soldier: long periods of boredom interrupted by rare moments of terror.


All of this places humanity, and each one of us, squarely in front of a very difficult and topical problem; the creation of a revolutionary advancement in knowledge which will require a transformation of our thinking and being equal to this never-before-seen phenomena now presencing itself in our world. There is no other path to the future than a profound internal experiential perception and knowledge of the events now underway in the natural environment that surrounds us. It is only through this understanding that humanity will achieve balance with the renewing flow of the PlanetoPhysical States and Processes.

End Paper




The Photon Belt

In 1961 science discovered, by means of satellites, a photon belt encircling the Pleiades. This photon belt * circles the Pleiadian system at an absolute right angle to its orbital planes. As our sun (and we with it) orbits the Pleiades once every 25,860 years, it reaches the midpoint of the photon belt approximately every 12,500 years. It requires some 2,000 years to traverse it, meaning that after departing this realm, another 10,500 years pass before our Solar System enters it again.

Before going any further, we should be mindful of the fact that this particular cycle is nestled within a number of greater cycles. What distinguishes this particular cycle from all its previous occurrences is that it culminates, together with all the other cycles of which it is but a part--including the overall cycle of 206 million years, in one single point of convergence. This is also called the Harmonic Convergence.

* Photon Belt: Huge torroid or "belt" of inter-dimensional Light that passes through this part of Milky Way galaxy in 26,000-year cycle. Last encountered at beginning of 1997. Fortunately, Earth was put into special hole in it that was drilled by a coherent bow wave of gamma particles from a nova that was first observed by astronomers in 1987.
In 1962 we entered the sphere of influence of this photon belt. Calculations approximate the year of the actual entry into its mainstream to be 2011. This correlates with the time when the universe reaches its point of maximum expansion. The East familiarizes us with the contraction and expansion rhythm of the universe as the Inbreath and Outbreath of God--each breath covering a time span (in this density) in the vicinity of 11,000 years. It is no coincidence that this time frame corresponds with the Grand Cycles, the orbit of our sun around the central sun Alcione.

The transition into super-consciousness, [also called] the second Coming of Christ, is to occur at the precise moment of suspension of movement between expansion and contraction, going parallel with the entry into the radiation of the photon belt. This energy is also referred to as the Manasic Vibration or Radiation. Astrophysical calculations, based on the sun's speed traveling through space (29 km/s) -- and Earth's own movement -- indicate that we will enter the photon belt at a speed of 208,800 km/h. The actual entry of Earth into the Manasic Vibration will occur in the twinkling of an eye.

The energy of the photon belt is of etheric and spiritual nature, not physical, but it interacts with and affects the physical.


You Are Becoming A Galatic Human: The Photon Belt

Paul Otto Hesse discovered that at an absolute right angle (90 degrees) to the movement of the stars in the Pleiades, there was a photon belt shaped like a torroid or huge doughnut with a thickness of approximately 2,000 solar years or 759,864 billion miles. Your earth is now completing a 24,000-26,000-year cycle with this photon belt.

When the photon belt is fully manifested, it will not allow any electrical device to function. Such a development will mean that neither batteries nor electrical circuits will operate when Earth is in the photon belt [17 years]. You will require a new form of energy--photon energy--to operate your former and soon- to-be altered electrical devices.


Man, The Universe, and the Cosmic Mystery


PHILOSOPHICALLY, MAN CAN SUPPOSE AN ABSOLUTE. SUCH AN Absolute would include all possible dimensions both of time and space. That is to say:

It would include not only the whole universe which man can perceive or imagine, but all other such universes which may lie beyond the power of his perception.

It would include not only the present moment of all such universes, but also their past and their future, whatever past and future may mean on their scale.

It would include not only everything actualised in all the past, present and future of all universes, but also everything that potentially could be actualised in them.

It would include not only all possibilities for all existing universes, but also all potential universes, even though they do not exist, nor ever have.

Such a conception is philosophical for us. Logically, it must be like that, but our mind is unable to come to grips with the formula or make any sense of it

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Why are They Always Mystified? Wrong Models to Galaxy Formations...

Giant Rings Around Galaxies Perplex Astronomers
By Zoƫ Macintosh
SPACE.com Staff Writer
posted: 25 August 2010
07:37 am ET

Giant rings of ultraviolet light have been spotted around some ancient galaxies, sending some scientists reeling from the completely unexpected phenomenon.

The odd ultraviolet formations were spotted around several aged galaxies that astronomers had presumed to be astronomically dead – inactive, that is.

"We haven't seen anything quite like these rings before," said researcher Michael Rich at the University of California, Los Angeles, in a statement. "These beautiful and very unusual objects might be telling us something very important about the evolution of galaxies." [Photo of the UV rings around galaxies.]

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www.TheGodMovie.comAstronomers observed the ultraviolet rings using two orbiting space observatories: NASA's Galaxy Evolution Explorer and Hubble Space Telescope. They studied 30 elliptical and lens-shaped "early" galaxies with strong UV emissions to determine why they – though ancient and having no visible signs of star formation – were still emitting such energetic light.

NASA announced the discovery this month. Details of the research appeared in the April 21 issue of the Astrophysical Journal.

Mystery rings in deep space

While young and lively galaxies have bluish hues from their active stars, older galaxies emit reddish collective starlight, NASA officials said in a statement. This reddish trait of the stars in the ancient galaxies allowed scientists to peg the ages of most of the stars at around 10 billion years old.

When astronomers studied the same galaxies with the Hubble Space Telescope, scientists discovered the source of the energetic look.

Three-quarters of the galaxies were surrounded by tremendous shining rings of ultraviolet light. A few halos were so large they could fit several galaxies the size of the Milky Way, and had ripples in their glow that stretched across 250,000 light-years.

How do they exist?

Researchers have yet to explain how some of these galaxies received the infusion of fresh, cold gas needed to produce this light. One explanation, though unlikely, suggests that collisions between the older galaxies and smaller ones lent the gas, new stars or ring-structure directly.

"To create a density shock wave that forms rings like those we've seen, a small galaxy has to hit a larger galaxy pretty much straight in the center," said the study's lead author, Samir Salim, an astronomer at Indiana University in Bloomington."You have to have a dead-on collision, and that's very uncommon."

Another idea is that the intergalactic medium, the thin material between galaxies, contributed gas and generated the rings with the help of bar-like structures at the center of some galaxies.

Ultimately, the striking observation proves that the cycle of galaxy birth and death has more to it than previously thought.

"In a galaxy's lifetime, it must make the transition from an active, star-forming galaxy to a quiescent galaxy that does not form stars," Salim said. "But it is possible this process goes the other way, too, and that old galaxies can be rejuvenated."

Like recurring seasons, it may be that barren galaxies can be awakened to breed stars again in another ultraviolet soaked "summer," NASA officials said.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why Won't They Accept the Correct Answers?

Nebula's Mysterious Halo Stumps Astronomers

A NEW image of a little-known nebula taken from the Hubble Space Telescope has astronomers wondering what's lighting it up.

NASA has released an image of IRAS 05437+2502, or "Ira's Ghost", after it was snapped by Hubble as a "bonus target" – part of a list of things for Hubble to do when it's got spare time.

Ira's Ghost was first discovered in 1983 and sits within our own galaxy in the constellation Taurus. It's known as a "reflection nebula" – a cloud of gas lit up by a light source – as opposed to an "emission nebula" which is lit up from within.

What makes this nebula unusual, apart from the fact it's both stunning and spooky, is there's so far no evidence of a light source.

Nebula's Mysterious Halo Stumps Astronomers

Particularly one of the magnitude that has lit up the tip of one of its highest clouds with a blazing, boomerang-shaped halo.

The best explanation scientists have come up with so far is that Ira's Ghost was once visited by a high-velocity star spat out by its cluster and passing through at 200,000km/h.

However, given it's a "bonus target", they're not going to spend a lot of time worrying about it.

For now, it's just another spectacular, mysterious flashpoint in the universe for us to wonder about.


It’s called a “reflection nebula,” in which “dusty gas scatters the light from nearby, Trifid-born stars.” This explanation was reasonable, or at least familiar, when reflection was the only mechanism known for producing polarized light that had a spectrum similar to nearby stars. Later, the invention of the synchrotron contributed another possibility: blue polarized emissions of field-aligned electric currents twisting along magnetic fields.

The dark filaments that divide the nebula into thirds, hence giving it its name, Trifid, are called “gases and dust.” They will “collapse and form new stars” due to “gravity’s inexorable attraction.” This twinkle of explanation is entirely pretense. It’s contradicted not only by observations but also by traditional theory itself: Clouds of gas can collapse only if they have no angular momentum and no magnetism. However, for “some unknown reason,” all such clouds do have angular momentum and magnetism, usually a lot. As one astronomer has commented, “Astronomy has a spin problem.”

This is not a problem when the electrical properties of plasma are recognized: Birkeland currents generate spin, and the z-pinch effect is efficient at coalescing matter into filaments, disks, and dense spherules. One plasma physicist has called Birkeland currents the “vacuum cleaners of space.”

Monday, August 23, 2010

Another JUPITER Impact

FIREBALL ON JUPITER: On August 20th at 18:22 UT, amateur astronomer Masayuki Tachikawa of Kumamoto city, Japan, video-recorded an apparent impact on Jupiter. Click on the image to view a movie of the fireball:

This is the third time in only 13 months that amateur astronomers have detected signs of impact on Jupiter. The earlier events occured on July 19, 2009, and June 3, 2010. Jupiter is getting hit more often than conventional wisdom would suggest, leading many researchers to call for a global network of telescopes to monitor Jupiter 24/7 and measure the impact rate.

"Like the event of June 3rd, this fireball did not produce any visible debris," notes John Rogers, director of the British Astronomical Association's Jupiter section. "Here are some hi-resolution images taken 1-2 rotations before and 1-2 rotations after the event. As the observers commented, there was no visible mark (not in RGB, nor UV, nor methane), post-impact. Dark brown spots on the North Equatorial Belt were already there before the fireball."

Thursday, August 19, 2010

ET/Human Relation

I will give a few brief statements for understanding.

Negativity did not exist in ET experience until humans were involved. Think hard about that.

Thought processes between ET and human are extremely different. They do not understand deception/lies/falsities. ETs experienced that when certain treaties were broken and dissolved. They do not live reality in accordance to the fantasy element like humans do. They live according to true knowledge of universal truths. Humans live according to lies/deception that accrued throughout human history.

An example of this, OP, is if you were to have an ET experience, and you behaving as if they were an element of the Illumanati, when in fact, they are their own beings. DECEPTION is not involved in their own condition. Humans bring the DECEPTION into the mix to confuse the ET issue.

They are as advanced in spiritual aspects of being, as they are in technology. Many, if not all, of their technologies are based on consciousness. These techs WILL NOT WORK PROPERLY if consciousness is acting on deceptions/lies and fantasies. TPTB cannot figure that out...and only recently is that beginning to become known. This put TPTB in a bad situation, because unless they change their thought patterns, they cannot control or back engineer and use the tech to its fullest extent. There is a process in place to turn the pyramid upside down.

The military complex is clueless and has NO control over ANY of the ET condition. That is why you still see helicopters and jets scrambling and 'chasing' UFOs.

When ETs discovered the thought patterns and deception of our leaders, it set out to make contact through the 'normal' populace. This makes the contact and disclosure process much longer, and much more delicate. The ETs hadn't realized exactly how far we have traveled away from 'Home'.

Last thing I will say, is that Disclosure is NOT going to occur through politicians and diplomats. It is still undecided if there will actually be a full disclosure (it depends on what happens to the human condition during the next year and a half), but if disclosure is to occur, it will be the ETs choice and decision...no one elses.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

IBEX - Looks Back at Earth and Catches a Head-On Crash Between Solar Wind and Earth's Magnetic Field

Head-On Crash Spotted Between Solar Wind and Earth's Magnetic Field
By SPACE.com Staff

posted: 17 August 2010
02:00 pm ET

A spacecraft designed to scan the edge of the solar system has turned its gaze back toward Earth, taking an unprecedented look at the solar wind's head-on collision with the planet's magnetic field.

NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer, known as IBEX, has recorded the first-ever look of the solar wind - the million-miles-per-hour stream of charged particles from the sun - crashing headlong into Earth's magnetosphere, space agency officials said in a statement. The solar wind could strip away the planet's atmosphere if the magnetosphere, a magnetic bubble surrounding the planet, didn't help deflect it.

The spacecraft's observations show the solar wind piling up in front of the magnetopause - the boundary between Earth's magnetosphere and space, about 35,000 miles (56,327 km) toward the sun. The interaction is invisible to the human eye, but not to IBEX's sensors.

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www.kayousystems.comThe observations are expected to yield new insights into how the magnetosphere "force field" works, as well as how thin the uppermost layer of Earth's atmosphere, called the exosphere, actually is, researchers said.

"Where the interaction is strongest, there are only about eight hydrogen atoms per cubic centimeter," study leader Stephen A. Fuselier of Lockheed Martin Space Systems said in a statement. The research is detailed in the July 8 issue of the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

Such observations are a departure for IBEX, which is typically used to look outward. The spacecraft launched in October 2008 to map out the boundary between the solar system and interstellar space. It does so from an orbit that takes eight days to circle the Earth.

Last year, researchers announced that the probe had detected a mysterious ribbon on the edge of the solar system that scientists now think is a reflection of the solar wind.

IBEX also has been responsible for other firsts.

For example, it has directly collected hydrogen and oxygen from the interstellar medium.. And IBEX made the first observations of very fast hydrogen atoms coming from the moon, following decades of speculation about their existence. Many hydrogen atoms become embedded in the moon's surface, so such measurements shed light on the "recycling processes" undergone by particles throughout the solar system.

IBEX uses the most sensitive neutral atom detectors ever flown in space and is building upon measurements made by the two Voyager spacecraft. Voyager 1 and 2, launched in 1977, have reached the interstellar boundary region, but their view is much narrower and more constrained.

"It will take a while before the community comes to a consensus about what the IBEX data really mean," said IBEX principal investigator David McComas, assistant vice president at Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. "Yet we've already learned much, much more about our place in the solar system."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Kind of Star Explosion Discovered

New Kind of Star Explosion Discovered
By Charles Q. Choi
SPACE.com Contributor
posted: 12 August 2010
02:16 pm ET

An unexpected and powerful new kind of star explosion has been discovered in the heavens — a so-called gamma-ray nova that radiates the most energetic form of light in the universe.
A nova is a massive thermonuclear explosion from a white dwarf star fueled by mass from a companion star. Unlike supernovasnovas do not result in the destruction of their stars. Researchers had expected and seen X-rays from the resulting waves of expanding gas in prior novas. But unlike with supernovas, they had not seen gamma-rays emitted by novas.
Now researchers have discovered a nova that shed gamma rays, which are even more powerful than X-rays, by using the Fermi Large Area Telescope in orbit around the Earth, the most sensitive gamma-ray space telescope ever flown. [Photo of the gamma-ray nova.]

Gamma-ray star explosion
"This is the first gamma-ray nova seen," said researcher Teddy Cheung, an astrophysicist at the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington.
The gamma rays in question emerged from the binary system known as V407 Cygni some 8,800 light-years away, which consists of a white dwarf and a pulsating red giant star. They came after a nova spotted by amateur Japanese astronomers in March, which at its peak was just below the level of naked-eye visibility, brighter than at any other point in the nearly 75 years scientists had watched the system.
The researchers suggest the gamma rays were generated when the blast waves from the nova collided with the very dense winds from the red giant.
"As the blast wave propagates outward, it acts like a snowplow, sweeping up material from the stellar wind, and a shock front forms," explained researcher Adam Hill, an astrophysicist at the University of Joseph Fourier-Grenoble in France.
Protons and electrons get accelerated to very high energies at this shock front. In turn, they produce gamma rays.
An expected find
In many novas, the white dwarf's companion is a normal main sequence star, and as such has a much less dense stellar wind compared to the red giant in V407 Cygni, for less material to generate gamma rays with. Very few binary systems are expected to combine the kind of white dwarf stars that burst with novas with red giant companions, and as such the researchers expect gamma-ray novae to be quite rare.
"It is always exciting to discover something new and unanticipated," Hill said. "It is occasions such as this which is why I enjoy being a scientist."
The researchers at the Fermi-LAT Collaboration detailed their findings in the August 13 issue of the journal Science.

BEACHHEADS - Islands of the Future in a Sea of Past - The Third Millennium - Ken Carey

No lasting change is ever wrought from without...

These days we find a few individuals from every community who begin to suspect that there might be something beyond your culture's understanding of reality. When this occurs, we have a breakthrough. A beachhead. These, we can and do reach. Generally, it is then only a short time before these first-to-awaken translate their new awareness into terms better suited than ours to convey it to others locked within their particular brand of illusion, thereby helping them to awaken also...

...Until the moment of final awakening when the field of planetary consciousness jells in cohesive realization, military power will continue to be a necessity for all but a few nations...

...The words that have been assigned to our thought currents today may appear in printed pages tomorrow as triggers, memory catalyst, or sparks to ignite and renew awareness, but words are not truth...

As you move across the stream (stream of eternal consciousness), you notice something strange and beautiful: each new gain in comprehension brings a correspondingly reduction in complexity. You become simpler as you become wiser, until the day arrives when once again your understanding is your own, no longer polluted with what you have been told or what you have heard, but fresh as new perception, pure as a mountain spring, clear as the guileless eyes of a conscious child...

...Across the former chasm between the world of spirit and the worlds of form, lightning leaps. Suddenly, blinding in its brightness, startling at first, then quickly slowing to a steady, pulsing luminosity within all things animate and alive, a powerful glow holds everything evenly, gently in a flowing power, as slowly, slowly through it, eternal consciousness flows, grows, and glows brighter, burning away the last crusts of separation and decay, warming, illuminating, emerging as a radiant individuation of love in every healthy human soul.

In this fusion of spirit and matter, the luminous biology emerges that can accommodate more than just occasional visitations from beings galactic and beyond, biology that can accommodate the gentle descent and awakening of the Star Maker, the intelligence of the primal unified consciousness field itself, the Presence of whose passing observations create life and whose interests transform...

- Ken Carey

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Let me tell you about your DNA. It is magnetic, and therefore it responds to the grid!

With respect to magnetics, gravity, time, and matter placement: There is a puzzle here that has never been unraveled. It never could be within your old 4D paradigm.

Now, suddenly in this new energy, your science begins to understand that there are at least 11 dimensions at the heart of every atom of matter. (We have told you that there are 12.) And suddenly you are beginning to understand that even time is variable.

Later, there will also be the acknowledgment that the displacement of matter from one area to another is also part of this equation.

There is one specific formula whose attributes are gravity, magnetics, time, and the location of matter. They all come together in a grand dance that will be the "mother lode" of physics when it is discovered and understood.

When it is ready, this information will be brought to you, but for now, let me tell you about the "pattern" of how this works for your DNA. [link to www.kryon.com]

Sirius Thoughts

Sirius was the most important star in the sky to the ancient Egyptians. The ancient Egyptian calendar was based on the rising of Sirius. It is established for certain that Sirius was sometimes identified by the ancient Egyptians with their chief goddess Isis.

The companion of Isis was Osiris, the chief Egyptian god. The 'companion' of the constellation of the Great Dog (which includes Sirius) was the constellation of Orion. Since Isis is equated with Sirius, the companion of Isis must be equated, equally, with the companion of Sirius. Osiris is thus equated on occasion with the constellation Orion.

'The oldest and simplest form of the name' of Osiris, we are told, is a hieroglyph of a throne and an eye. The 'eye' aspect of Osiris is thus fundamental. The Bozo tribe of Mali, related to the Dogon, call Sirius B 'the eye star'. Since Osiris is represented by an eye and is sometimes considered 'the companion of Sirius', this is equivalent to saying that Osiris is 'the eye star', provided only that one grants the premise that the existence of Sirius B really was known to the ancient Egyptians and that 'the companion of Sirius' therefore could ultimately refer to it.

The meanings of the Egyptian hieroglyphs and names for Isis and Osiris were unknown to the earliest dynastic Egyptians themselves, and the names and signs appear to have a pre-dynastic origin -- which means around or before 3200 B.C., in other words 5,000 years ago at least. There has been no living traditional explanation for the meanings of the names and signs for Isis and Osiris since at least 2800 B.C. at the very latest. (!!!)

'The Dog Star' is a common designation of Sirius throughout known history. The ancient god Anubis was a 'dog god', that is, he had a man's body and a dog's head.

In discussing Egyptian beliefs, Plutarch says that Anubis was really the son of Nephthys, sister to Isis, although he was said to be the son of Isis. Nephthys was 'invisible' (K:> DARK STAR!)
, Isis was 'visible'.  (In other words, the visible mother was the stand-in for the invisible mother, who was the true mother, for the simple reason that the invisible mother could not be perceived.)

Plutarch said that Anubis was a 'horizontal circle, which divides the invisible part ... which they call Nephthys, from the visible, to which they give the name Isis; and as this circle equally touches upon the confines of both light and darkness, it may be looked upon as common to them both.' This is as clear an ancient description as one could expect of a circular orbit (called 'Anubis') of a dark and invisible star (called 'Nephthys') around its 'sister', a light and visible star (called 'Isis) -- and we know Isis to have been equated with Sirius.

Actually, Anubis and Osiris were sometimes identified with one another. Osiris, the companion of Isis who is sometimes 'the companion of Sirius' is also sometimes identified with the orbit of the companion of Sirius, and this is reasonable and to be expected.

(K: Think of the reliƫfs in that old Hindu temple, there is also a god that takes the role as 2 diferent suns ..)

Isis-as-Sirius was customarily portrayed by the ancient Egyptians in their paintings [b]as traveling with two companions in the same celestial boat.[/b] And as we know, Sirius does, according to some astronomers, have two companions, Sirius B and Sirius C.

(K: Maybe they were not talking about SIRIUS and SIRIUS B, but were they refering to the SUN and her DARK dwarf companion ???
This is understandable coz translaters interpreted the hyrogliefs according to their knowledge and that was that this solarsystem only had 1 Sun-star, so they were looking for other kandidates to make the story fitting and asumable ;) ...)

To the Arabs, a companion-star to Sirius (in the same constellation of the Great Dog) was named 'Weight' and was supposed to be extremely heavy -- almost too heavy to rise over the horizon.'Ideler calls this an astonishing star-name', we are told, not surprisingly.

(K: heavy and dense ... a dwarf star that is denser then a normal star, so heavy that it took many years to RISE again over the horizon ... ;) ...)

The true companion-star of Sirius, Sirius B, is made of super-dense matter which is heavier than any normal matter in the universe and the weight of this tiny star is the same as that of a gigantic normal star.

The Dogon also, as we know, say that Sirius B is 'heavy' and they speak of its 'weight'.

The worship of Anubis was a secret mystery religion restricted to initiates (and we thus do not know its content). Plutarch who writes of Anubis, was an initiate of several mystery religions, and there is reason to believe his information was from well-informed sources. (Plutarch himself was a Greek living under the Roman Empire.) A variant translation of Plutarch's description of Anubis is that Anubis was 'a combined relation' between Isis and Nephthys. This has overtones which help in thinking of 'the circle' as an orbit - a 'combined relation' between the star orbiting and the star orbited.

(K: Secret religions, NWO, vatican.
This does rings bells , many bells !)

Plutarch says Anubis guarded like a dog and attended on Isis. This fact, plus Anubis being 'time' and 'a circle', suggests even more an orbital concept -- the ideal form of attendance of the prowling guard dog.

An Egyptian papyrus says the companion of Isis is 'Lord in the perfect black'. Isis's companion Osiris 'is a dark god'.

The Trismegistic treatise 'The Virgin of the World' from Egypt refers to 'the Black Rite', connected with the 'black' Osiris

(K: The occult and secret lodges ???? They DO woreship a black SUN ... I have seen that!)

...as the highest degree of secret initiation possible in the ancient Egyptian religion -- it is the ultimate secret of the mysteries of Isis.
This treatise says Hermes came to earth to teach men civilization and then again 'mounted to the stars', going back to his home and leaving behind the mystery religion of Egypt with its celestial secrets which were some day to be decoded. There is evidence that 'the Black Rite' did deal with astronomical matters. Hence the Black Rite concerned astronomical matters, the black Osiris, and Isis.

A prophecy in the treatise 'The Virgin of the World' maintains that only when men concern themselves with the heavenly bodies and 'chase after them into the height' can men hope to understand the subject-matter of the Black Rite. The understanding of astronomy of today's space age now qualifies us to comprehend the true subject of the Black Rite, if that subject is what we suspect it may be. This was impossible earlier in the history of our planet.

It must be remembered that without our present knowledge of white dwarf stars which are invisible except with modern telescopes, our knowledge of super-dense matter from atomic physics with all its complicated technology, etc., none of our discussion would be possible; it would not be possible to propose such an explanation of the Black Rite at all.


Paul LaViolette and THE SUPERWAVE

Paul LaViolette and THE SUPERWAVE

from Etheric Website

Galactic core outbursts are the most energetic phenomenon taking place in the universe. The active, quasar-like core of spiral galaxy PG 0052+251 (Figure 1-a), for example, is seen to radiate 7 times as much energy as comes from all of the galaxy’s stars.

Most of this is emitted in the form of high energy cosmic ray electrons accompanied by electromagnetic radiation ranging from radio wave frequencies on up to X ray and gamma ray frequencies.

A study of astronomical and geological data reveals that cosmic ray electrons and electromagnetic radiation from a similar outburst of our own Galactic core (Figure 1-b), impacted our Solar System near the end of the last ice age. This cosmic ray event spanned a period of several thousand years and climaxed around 14,200 years ago.

Although far less intense than the PG 0052+251 quasar outburst, it was, nevertheless, able to substantially affect the Earth’s climate and trigger a solar-terrestrial conflagration the initiated the worst animal extinction episode of the Tertiary period.

The effects on the Sun and on the Earth’s climate were not due to the Galactic cosmic rays themselves, but to the cosmic dust that these cosmic rays transported into the Solar System.

Observations have shown that the Solar System is presently immersed in a dense cloud of cosmic dust, material that is normally kept at bay by the outward pressure of the solar wind. But, with the arrival of this Galactic cosmic ray volley, the solar wind was overpowered and large quantities of this material were pushed inward.

The Sun was enveloped in a cocoon of dust that caused its spectrum to shift toward the infrared. In addition, the dust grains filling the Solar System scattered radiation back to the Earth, producing an "interplanetary hothouse effect" that substantially increased the influx of solar radiation to the Earth. Details of this scenario are described in Paul LaViolette’s book Earth Under Fire,(1) in his Ph.D. dissertation,(2) as well as in a series of journal articles he has published.(3­8)

LaViolette’s research suggests that the Sun also became highly active as dust and gas falling onto its surface induced extreme flaring activity. Together with the radiation influx from the Sun’s dust cocoon, this caused the Sun’s corona and photosphere to inflate, much as is observed today in dust-choked stars called "T Tauri stars."

These various solar effects caused atmospheric warming and inversion conditions that facilitated glacial growth which brought on ice age conditions. On occasions when the solar radiation influx to the Earth became particularly high, the ice age climate warmed, initiating episodes of rapid glacial melting and continental flooding. There is evidence that one particularly tragic solar flare event occurred around 12,750 years ago during a period when the Sun was particularly active. This involved the release of an immense coronal mass ejection which engulfed the Earth and induced a mass animal extinction.

Dr. LaViolette, who is currently president and chief researcher of the Starburst Foundation, was the first to demonstrate that cosmic rays from a galactic core explosion penetrate far outside a galaxy’s nucleus to bombard solar systems like our own residing in the spiral arm disk. He coined the word "galactic superwave" to refer to such a cosmic barrage. He has shown that galactic superwaves recur at long intervals and arrive at Earth’s doorstep without warning because they travel at near light speed.

Galactic superwaves are a recent discovery. During the early 60’s astronomers began to realize that the massive object that forms the core of our Galaxy (the Milky Way), periodically becomes active.(9) The cores of all spiral galaxies cycle through a similar phase. During its active period, our galactic core spews out a fierce quasar-like barrages of cosmic rays, with a total energy output equal to hundreds of thousands of supernova explosions.(10, 11) In some galaxies these active emissions have been observed to equal the energy from billions of supernova explosions.

Until recently, astronomers believed these eruptions were very infrequent, occurring every 10 to 100 million years.(10) They also believed the interstellar magnetic fields, in the Galactic nucleus, would trap the emitted particles in spiral orbits causing them to reach the Earth very slowly.(12) For these reasons, many did not believe that Galactic core explosions posed any immediate threat to the Earth.

However, in 1983 Paul LaViolette presented evidence to the scientific community indicating that:(2 - 4)

1. Galactic core explosions actually occur about every 13,000 - 26,000 years for major outbursts and more frequently for lesser events.

2. The emitted cosmic rays escape from the core virtually unimpeded. As they travel radially outward through the Galaxy, they form a spherical shell that advances at a velocity approaching the speed of light.

Astronomical discoveries subsequently confirmed aspects of Dr. LaViolette’s hypothesis. In 1985, astronomers discovered that Cygnus X-3, an energetic celestial source of cosmic rays, which is about the same distance from Earth as the Galactic Center (25,000 light years), is showering Earth with particles, traveling at close to the speed of light, moving in essentially straight paths.(13)

Later, scientists found the Earth is impacted, at sporadic intervals, with cosmic rays emitted from the X-ray pulsar Hercules X-1 (about 12,000 light years distant).(14, 15) The intervening interstellar medium has so little effect on these particles, that their pulsation period of 1.2357 seconds, is constant to within 300 microseconds.

These findings are reason to be gravely concerned about the effects of a Galactic core explosion because they imply that the cosmic rays generated can impact our planet, virtually without warning, preceded only by the wave-flash from the initial explosion.(1, 2, 6) Astronomical observations show the last major Galactic core explosion occurred as recently as 10,000 to 15,000 years ago.(16, 17)

Data obtained from polar ice core samples show evidence of this cosmic ray event as well as other cosmic ray intensity peaks from earlier times (Figure 2).(1, 18)

Climatic zones include: the present interglacial (1), last ice age (2, 3, & 4), previous semi-glaciated period (5a-d), last interglacial (5e), and previous glaciation (6).

Also Dr. LaViolette’s prediction that there is a residual flow of interstellar dust currently entering the Solar System from the Galactic center direction was later verified by data collected from the Ulysses spacecraft and by AMOR radar measurements made in New Zealand.(8)

Today, tomorrow, next week, next year. . . sometime in the coming decades. . . our planet could once again be hit by an intense volley of Galactic cosmic rays. It will come cloaked and hidden from us, until the very moment it strikes.

We live on the edge of the Galaxy’s volcano. Knowing neither the time, the magnitude, nor the severity of the next eruption or its impact on our environment, we stand unprepared to deal with this event, much less anticipate its arrival.

Galactic Superwaves - Their Effects on Life and Society

When cosmic rays from Galactic superwaves impact the Earth’s atmosphere, they produce "electron cascades." Each primary cosmic ray generates millions of secondary high energy electrons. Many of these particles scatter upwards and become trapped by the Earth’s magnetic field to form radiation belts similar to those created by high altitude nuclear explosions.

In just one day, a major Galactic superwave event would inject into the geomagnetic field a particle energy equivalent to 1000 one-megaton hydrogen bomb explosions (1025 ergs). At this rate, the energy delivered to the belts after one year would exceed 30,000 times the energy received from the most powerful solar cosmic ray storms observed in modern times.

Such energized radiation belts could cause a global communications blackout by creating radio static and by permanently damaging critical electronic components of communication satellites. Air travel during such conditions would be extremely hazardous. The resulting atmospheric ionization would destroy the ozone layer, and increase skin cancer rates, due to high levels of UV reaching the Earth’s surface; the cosmic ray particles penetrating to ground level would significantly increase cell mutation rates.

Galactic superwaves may also produce an intense electromagnetic pulse (EMP) whenever a cosmic ray front happens to strike the Earth’s atmosphere. Galactic superwaves such as those that arrived during the last ice age could have generated pulses delivering tens of thousands of volts per meter in times as short as a billionth of a second, comparable to the early-time EMP signal from a high-altitude nuclear explosion (see Figure 3).

In addition, there is the danger that a superwave could transport outlying cosmic dust into the Solar System which could seriously affect the Earth’s climate possibly triggering a new ice age.

Although there is a small probability that the next superwave will be as catastrophic as the one at the end of the last ice age, even the less intense, more frequent events would be quite hazardous for the global economy.

The Frequency and Hazards of Minor Superwave Events

Galactic Center activity occurs frequently between major superwave events. Astronomical observation indicates that during the last 6,000 years, the Galactic center has expelled 14 clouds of ionized gas.(19) See Figure 4 for dates. These outbursts may have produced minor superwave emissions with EMP effects comparable to those of major superwaves. About 80% of these bursts took place within 500 hundred years of one another (Figure 5).

With the most recent outburst occurring 700 years ago, there is a high probability of another one occurring in the near future.

The four-second extragalactic gamma ray burst that arrived in 1983, did have a measurable effect on radio transmissions used for global navigation and communication.(20) By comparison, the "minor" superwave events discussed above might have total energies hundreds of millions of times greater than this.

At present little research is being done on this important astronomical phenomenon. Nor are we prepared should a Galactic superwave suddenly arrive. International channels of communication are not in place to deal with the disasters that a superwave could bring upon us.

Steps that Should be Taken

Currently, radio astronomers are monitoring the cosmic ray/synchrotron radiation activity of the Galactic core on a daily basis. They report their findings regularly in IAU (International Astronomical Union) circulars. However, an early warning system needs to be set up so that, in the event that signs of a significant core outburst and superwave activity are detected, the proper organizations around the world are notified and the proper precautions are taken. In this way, the impact of such an event could be drastically reduced.

In regard to the superwave EMP problem, there is a need to develop an awareness about this phenomenon so that if it does occur, it does not inadvertently trigger a nuclear missile launching. Also there is a need to develop emergency plans to implement measures that will minimize its impact on power and communications networks.

There needs to be an increased awareness of the phenomenon and its potential threat to the Earth so that ways might be found of minimizing the effects of a superwave should one arrive. More scientific papers need to be presented on research on this subject and media coverage of the subject is needed. Astronomical and geological research needs to be conducted to learn more about this phenomenon.

For example, a more detailed analysis needs to be made of the high concentrations of beryllium-10 and cosmic dust present in the ice age portion of the Earth’s polar ice record, remnants of the last major superwave event. Data on interstellar dust composition that will be gathered with the Cassini spacecraft will also be particularly useful.

Currently, the Starburst Foundation is one of the few organizations researching this important astronomical phenomenon.

The Starburst Foundation is a scientific research institute dedicated to discovering how Galactic superwaves have affected our planet in the past, to implementing an international early-warning system for future events, and to investigating ways of lessening the adverse effects of superwaves on our planet.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

SYMBOLS OF AN ALIEN SKY — Selections (1)


The Electric Universe

The Electric Universe - Excerpt

Plasma in the Lab and in Rock Art

Plasma in the Lab and in Rock Art

Anthony Peratt - Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity


Anthony Peratt - Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity

Change It Up a Little

I have exhausted much of the relevant scientific connections to the coming celestial events...It is kind of getting a little redundant.  Althought there is in unending amount of information that can be gathered to continue proving this phenomena, I will begin putting relevant ancient 'histories' to tie in to this event, as ALL ancient civilizations point to this place in space as being significant to the human condition.

The following is an old post of mine, but it seems relevant to what I am going to focus on for a little bit.  This doesn't mean I will stop with science articles, just means I am going to start including other connections.

- Chad

I wrote this over two years ago! I wanted to bump it because it seems more relavent nowadays than back then. It seems to say so much with what we are finding out about the Sun's relationship with the Earth, the Solar System's path through the stars, and (literally) where we are heading as a whole.

Just what is it that we are touching? It seems to be just out of reach, and yet we can feel it just out of our perceptions, teasing us, dancing there at the periphery of our awareness.

It is causing anxiety, creating a shake up, rattling through our collective.

It is percolating everywhere and noticeable effects are bubbling up in every society in the world, bubbling up in physical manifestations that are detectable on and encompassing all of our planets in the solar system, including the sun.

It is beginning to show itself in the scientific community, teasing scientists, having them question reality in new ways, difficult ways for a scientific mind to adjust to. Our old world paradigms are dissolving around us.

The few groups that are struggling hard to keep those old paradigms in place are finding chaos and futility the result of their difficult efforts.

World changes are coming fast and getting faster. The enormity of what is occurring in the geopolitical climate is to be as complex and as world encompassing that it has become an impossibility for the people to keep up with, much less making sense of the totality of what is transpiring on the world stage.

World changes are coming fast and getting faster. Global environmental tragedies have now become a daily sight as witnessed on the pages and websites of news outlets throughout the entire world.

Global climate changes have been accepted by global factions including the voicing of third world nations proclaiming adverse topological changes occurring in their own backyards.

The continuing rise of industrial powerhouses like that of the United States, India, and China has not even been factored into the crisis as they try desperately to increase production to stave off global recession.

World changes are coming fast and getting faster. Eco-System diversities are not on the verge of collapse, but in the process of collapse, creating the 6th and greatest of mass extinctions ever to take place in the entire lifetime of planet Earth.

The decline of key species to possible extinction creates not only the destruction of that particular species, but also allows a domino affect of the specie’s environment, effectively occurring in the wiping out of entire localized ecosystems by the extinction of only one of its inhabitants.

Solar System wide changes are coming fast and getting faster. Recent anomalous atmospheric changes are occurring on every planet as well as some moons throughout the system.

Magnetic pole changes, melting polar ice caps, strange geophysical anomalies unexplainable by current scientific theories, predicted solar activity beyond any previously known to man, extraordinary energy outputs creating plasma halos, supercharged volcanic activities, planetary auroras borealis observations never before seen, electrical plasma discharges indicative of increased planetary energies, and on and on…

Overpopulation and the resultant planetary resource unsustainability. Fossil fuel emissions. Declining atmosphere and magnetosphere integrity.

Destabilization of nations on a global scale due to wars, religions, and dissolving economies.

Increased solar activity.

Earth’s declining magnetic field indicative of electromagnetic disruptions and planetary polar shift.

Loss of habitats essential for global climate stability.

Increasing frequency of natural disasters, many of which of historical record breaking caliber. On and on...

And let me tell you this, it is not that these events are happening. It is that these events are happening now, all in the same period of time, all at a time in the human condition that has been foreseen, been prophesied and time-stamped. Add to this the massive outburst of paranormal, spiritual, and metaphysical events that are taking place across the world and we can begin to see the importance of the location we are heading towards at this place in time.

So what does this mean? What is this event we are heading towards?

There is a place in time that many civilizations have referenced to. They have referenced it by ways of the stories of their Gods, of a final time far in the future, where the human condition will be changed, will never exist again in the same manner. We will cease to exist in the same way as we have for thousands of years. It is a time when the cycle of seasons, cycle of years, cycles of Ages, and cycles of Equinoxes comes to a close.

This time frame is actually a place. How? What do I mean? How can a time actually be a place?

This concept the ancients knew well, for their study of the celestial heavens was the foundation to their world. This study of the mysterious lights in the sky foretold times of harvest, times of cold, times of omen from passing comet tails streaking luminescent in the ether, times of worship and sacrifice when dragons would swallow the sun whole.

It defined every aspect of their lives and they were very well versed in the subtleties of its spinning language. And they found a time, a place in the heavens that the world would pass through.

And that place in the heavens was a place, that once entered, would alter, would transform everything humans once thought they knew. The ancients, particularly the Mayans, stamped this place in space on stone for future generations to decode this place of increased energy.

They knew it was there. They calculated the passage of time through cycles. They probably never looked at it the way we understand it now. It was not time, but cycles spiral in form spinning out from galactic center, spiraling round and round.

They viewed the passage of the sun as locations in space, not as the passing of twenty-four hours. Their cycles were constructed of the concept of where on the horizon the sun rose, their seasons marked by the reverse movement of the sun along the lining of the horizon. The planetary bodies did not pass through a linear path of time, but passed through areas of space, sections of the heavens, new locations on a tapestry of invisible energy that our world, our solar system, forever spun inside.

It was not seconds and minutes and hours and days, but rather movement and the entering of these different areas in space...that was their concept of our so-called 'time'. It was not a concept of when, but of where.

Now you are beginning to understand how the ancients viewed their universe.

By releasing the illusory concept of time and viewing rather the movement of eternal changes in the space of celestial spirals, this spinning existence we experience as the dance of life, you are taking a step in the process of awakening as this old way of thinking is remembered.

You are beginning to understand the vastness of illusions we have created for ourselves.

And in their study in the ways of the world they discovered a location somewhere in space in front of them.  It is a point the planet is heading towards where their calendar of cycles would not work anymore.  It is a place, somewhere distant, that they were spinning towards.  It is to be an impossible place where everything they believed in would end, would collapse.  It is to be a place where their calendar, where cycles, their celestial Gods, their very ideas of what it is to exist, was to break down. 
It is to be a place in the darkness of space where their calculations broke down. Their religion, beliefs, their Gods would dance their final dance.  Though they had not the word for it, this was to be the singularity to not only their existence, but the existence of everything they viewed and studied in the night sky.

And what they viewed and studied was the Gods themselves.

And this place the world is heading towards was just in front of them.

And once the place is crossed, when the celestial bodies line up perfectly with the God that was and is Galactic Center, when the world passes through, passes into this place, this world they knew will pass away. The cycles that defined their knowledge of what it is to exist, would not exist anymore.

"This does not mean that a 'new cycle' will begin. It is the end of cycles."
- Carl Johan Calleman, PH.D., The Mystery of 2012, 2007, pg. 87

This location is where this cycle of life is to end and the birth of something impossible, indescribable, is to take place… Once we align with Galactic Center, once we make that passage through the other side of the galactic singularity, once we dive headlong, unable to stop the rotation of the universe, into and past the Winter Solace of December 21, 2012, everything will never be the same.